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Dr. Xiaolin Chen on Bloomberg Markets: Positive Signals to Investors & Credit Liquidity

Dr. Xiaolin Chen joined Bloomberg Markets: China Open to discuss how Chinese corporations and China's National Team are making moves to signal to investors that Chinese equities are at attractive valuations, credit liquidity measures, and more.

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This video contains performance metrics for the KBA US ETF, to which the KA50 UCITS ETF follows a similar strategy.

For KBA standard performance, top 10 holdings, risks, and other fund information, please click here.

For KA50 standard performance, top 10 holdings, risks, and other fund information, please click here.

This video should only be regarded as a marketing communication for the KA50 UCITS ETF for UCITS investors, as the KBA US ETF is only available in US markets. Please refer to the prospectus of the UCITS, the KIID, and the PRIIP before making any final investment decisions.

The linked content contains Xiaolin Chen's opinion. It should not be regarded as investment advice or recommendation of specific securities. The performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Diversification does not guarantee positive performance.